Sunday, June 29, 2008

Requesting your help!

The long road to syndication

The cartoons you read in the daily papers are all sold to those papers by syndicates. There are about 7 major syndicates. They receive thousands of cartoon strip/panel ideas a year and may try to launch 2-3 new features to papers. Any new cartoon usually has to take the space of an older, often much loved cartoon, so competition is fierce.

I have amassed enough samples through this web page to start sending out proposals to syndicates again. (I have done so in the past, always rejected so far.) I therefore am asking YOU for your help in the following two ways:

Which ones have you liked the best? You can vote for as many as you like. A typical submission to a syndicate usually has about 24 samples, so I will need to pick the best of the lot.

What should the feature be called? Pick a name! No suggestion to silly.

The odds of me getting syndicated are slim, -but they are bigger than me winning the lottery…and I’ve been known to buy powerball tickets! In the meanwhile, I will keep putting new posts on the page so feel free to vote more than once.

I thank you for your help!

1 comment:

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